Support The Arts
Supporting the arts through donations enriches our culture and community. Your contribution helps artists create, fund exhibitions, and provide educational programs. By donating, you not only enhance the artistic landscape but also gain recognition and a sense of fulfillment from nurturing creativity and expression.

Become Our Muse
Want to Do More?
FAMiami flourishes because of the incredible support from our generous contributors. We deeply appreciate our donors' support, which enables us to present artistic productions, showcase and support local artist, and implement education and community outreach initiatives. As a thank you, we provide a range of benefits and sponsorship recognition for our Muses that make all of this possible.
Contact us at to Donate and Support us as one of our Muses.
Muses Of The Arts
Friend of the Arts
Name in Program Book
Name on Fine Arts of Miami Muse Member of the Arts website page
Early Access to Season Information
Early Ticket Access
10% Ticket Discount
Plus Lower Teir Benefits
Complimentary Conert Tickets
Complimentary Refreshments
Invitation to Dress Rehersals
Ticket Discount increased to 15%
Plus Lower Teir Benefits
Two Complimentary Main Stage Performance Tickets
Invitation to Behind the Scenes Tour
Season Voting Access
Plus Lower Teir Benefits
Invitation to Annual Gala
Invitation to Dinner with the Stars
Board Elegibility (Eligible after 3 years of Diamond Teir Membership)
Plus Lower Teir Benefits